Software Security

"Why Do SBOM Haters Hate? Or Why Trade Associations Say the Darndest Things," The Atlantic Council, 2023. (with Sara Ann Brackett and Trey Herr) link

"Bugs in the Software Liability Debate," Just Security, July 2023. (with Chinmayi Sharma) link

"Bad Snakes: Understanding and Improving Python Package Index Malware Scanning," International Conference on Software Engineering, May 2023. (with Duc-Ly Vu and Zack Newman) link

"The Securing Open Source Software Act Is Good, But Whatever Happened to Legal Liability?" Lawfare, November 2022. (with Chinmayi Sharma and James Howison) link

"Sigstore: Software Signing for Everyone," Computer and Communications Security, October 2022. (with Zack Newman and Santiago Torres-Arias) link

"Should Uncle Sam Worry About 'Foreign' Open-Source Software? Geographic Known Unknowns and Open Source Software Security," Lawfare, August 2022. (with Dan Geer, Jacqueline Kazil and Tom Pike) link

"The US Military Should Red-Team Open Source Code," Defense One, August 2022. (with Zack Newman and Jacobo McGuire) link

"Is Open Source Eating the World’s Software? Measuring the Proportion of Open Source in Proprietary Software Using Java Binaries," Mining Software Repositories, May 2022. (with Julius Musseau, George P. Sieniawski, C. Albert Thompson, and Daniel German) link

"Dependency Issues: Solving the World's Open-Source Software Security Problem," War on the Rocks, May 2022. (with Zack Newman, Tom Pike, and Jacqueline Kazil) link

"A Neighborhood Watch for Open Source Software," SIGNAL, February 2022. (with George Sieniawski and others) link

"Counting Broken Links: A Quant's View of Software Supply Chain Security," USENIX ;login:, December 2020. (with Dan Geer and Bentz Tozer) link

U.S. Military Strategy Towards China

"Minding the Gaps: US Military Strategy toward China," Strategic Studies Quarterly, 2019. (with Derek Grossman) link

Mainland Strikes and U.S. Military Strategy Towards China, Dissertation, Pardee RAND Graduate School, 2019. link

"Correspondence: Will East Asia Balance against Beijing?" International Security, 2019. (with Travis Sharp) link

"The Real Problem with Strikes on Mainland China," War on the Rocks, 2015. link

"Will a President Approve Air-Sea Battle? Learning from the 1958 Taiwan Strait Crisis" Infinity Journal, 2015. link

"Reputation Matters: Evidence from the Korean War," Journal of International and Area Studies, 2015. link

International Security

"The Faultine Between Futurists and Traditionalists in National Seurity," War on the Rocks, 2021. (with Dave Jackson) link

"What AI Can and Cannot Do for the U.S. Intelligence Community," Defense One, 2021. (with Zigfried Hampel-Arias) link

Air Base Defense: Rethinking Army and Air Force Roles and Functions, RAND, 2020. (with Alan J. Vick*, Sean M. Zeigler, and Julia Brackup) link

Managing Nuclear Modernization Challenges for the U.S. Air Force, RAND, 2019. (with Don Snyder* and others) link

The Past, Present, and Future of U.S. Ground Interventions, RAND, 2018. (with Jennifer Kavanagh* and others) link

Is the USAF Flying Force Large Enough?, RAND, 2018. (with Alan J. Vick* and Paul Dreyer) link

U.S. Military Capabilities and Forces for a Dangerous World, RAND, 2017. (with David Ochmanek*, Peter Wilson, and others) link

"In Defense of Defense Analysis," War on the Rocks, 2016, (with Jon Wong). link

Contracting Under Fire, The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 2012. (with Todd Harrison) link

*Lead authors are marked with an asterisk.